99 Days

Yesterday was a wonderful way to cap off the first week of classes! It was nice to sleep in today and eat Chipotle for lunch(Delicious as always)!  Did absolutely nothing throughout the afternoon until the Wofford Men’s Basketball game versus UNC Greensboro.  It was a fantastic game that was rather close for much of it.  Once Wofford finally got ahead we started to pull away with the lead to win 59-50.  One of my favorite parts of the games other than the Basketball is the Shaved Ice, Blue Raspberry in Flavor.  So after returning from the game we went back to the apartment and hung out for a while before heading down to the row!  The row was surprisingly fun for a Saturday night, but we all concluded that it was because we made it fun with our random shenanigans.  When arriving at SAE the Louisville vs. Notre Dame game was in its 3rd OT so everyone was huddled around the TV which made for quite the exciting end.  So if this weekend is a representation of the weekends to come this semester it is shaping up to be a great one!

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